We once read that Pep takes to calling his players at their homes at random hours of the night, to make sure they're tucked away in bed getting their much needed rest and not off partying somewhere; and he's also prone to forbidding them from attending endorsements and other events when there's a tight match schedule. So it's no wonder things tend to get a little crazy during international breaks when the boys are out from under his watchful eye.
Crazy can be good, but we could do without controversial handballs tainting our players' images. Thierry Henry wasn't playing by the rules when he scored to qualify France to the World Cup and that's never acceptable... we don't have much to say on the matter other than that it's disappointing.
We'd rather stick to more conventional forms of buzz around our players. Like Rafael Marquez oozing more hotness than an erupting volcano while at a charity gala in Madrid last Wednesday night. He was there with his girlfriend, actress Jaydy Mitchel, who posed for a fund-raising calendar as one of twelve female celebrities: Jaydy Mitchell, Paula Echevarria, Esmeralda Moya, Olivia de Borbon, Vanessa Romero, Michelle Jenner, Maria Castro, Maria Leon, Vicky Martín Berrocal, Almudena Cid, Eva Gonzalez and Monica Estarreado.
And how gorgeous is our Rafa looking? He's absolutely rocking that vest, and even in the midst of these twelve lovely ladies he still manages to steal the show.
What a great post crossbows