Pep and his water bottle are absolutely inseparable. Wherever he goes, the bottle goes too; he’s never without it. It makes one wonder, does he maybe have some sort of condition that requires him to stay well hydrated? Or does this man just really like his water? Perhaps he thinks it will help prevent him from further hair loss.
Whatever the reason, whether at training, during matches, while speaking at press conferences or simply when he’s out and about, Pep’s always got his water in hand. You’d think he’d get tired of carrying a bottle around everywhere, but we don’t know that he complains. Only surely he must forget it in the stands or on the conference table sometimes? Anyway, at least he doesn’t resort to carrying around a manbag to hold it in.
Our take on the matter? We love it. We think Pep’s attachment to his water bottle is cute, and the photos and such of him drinking his water are just hella hot!
Video link: Pep and his water (from 1:24 to 1:46) Your thoughts? Pep’s water bottle, hot or not?
Stay tuned for the next part of our Pep study, where we’ll be analyzing his tongue!
hawwwwt i agree :D could be just a thing with him. i have the same habit and like its an accessory for me lol. but then i live in a tropical country where its so easy to get dehydrated :S